Garden Advice is a love story.
My love of growing things and having my hands in the earth came from my father, a lifelong farmer who cherished tending the land. On our farm we grew vegetables (and some flowers too), raised beef cattle and sometime pigs, cut and burned our own firewood, cultivated and sold strawberries for a few years, and kept a sizable flock of chickens. Off and on we enjoyed snow white raw milk and rich cream the color of the palest egg yolks, favors of a benevolent dairy cow. (Those frequent bowls of fresh-from-the-field strawberries topped with generous dollops of whipped cream, so thick it held up a spoon, might explain the size of my waistband back then.) It all helped a family of nine survive long, cold winters. The vegetables fed our family and those flowers fed my soul.

Like many farm kids before me I spread my wings and tried urban life.
It’s been a long and winding road.
But wherever life has taken me, plants have been a constant companion.
After decades of a corporate career, I craved a life with more connection to the natural world. So now I garden in northwest CT, a hilly region of Fairfield County, in the foothills of the Berkshire Mountains.
Every garden taught me something. I’m eager to share those lessons with you.